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by Lillian Humphries |
I have secrets, some are good and some I’m ashamed of and don’t want anyone to know about.
It can be fun knowing secrets, especially when planning parties, baby showers and good times. But how about those secrets we keep that aren’t real pretty, the ones that are dark that we don’t want anyone to know about.
Carrying those heavy burdens plays havoc with our minds and bodies. These secrets hurt and can hurt badly. How do you know when someone is hurting and being haunted by their secrets? Most of the time we can’t tell.
See that sister over there? The one who looks so together, the one whose hair and nails are done, the one with the smile on her face and greeting everyone at services: she’s the one with a big dark secret. The one that is teaching your children Bible class, the one that takes care of others, the one that sends cards or calls everyone, she is the one with the dark secret.
What kind of secret is she holding on to? Sadness, depression, bi-polar disorder, low self esteem, abusive relationships, abortion, sexual abuse, and anything else you can think of.
She has become a master at moving forward in life and covering her pain so no one can see. It weighs heavily on her. When not in the public eye doing her fair share, she is at home alone with her thoughts. Maybe laying in bed, crying, feeling alone, overwhelmed, unloved or no energy to get the things done that need to be completed.
Our God has told us to “carry each other’s burdens” in Galatians 6:2 and I believe each and every one of us would readily do that, if we only knew.
Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
We’re afraid to open up and allow others to see the pain within. We are ashamed of bad choices we have made that created the problem or we think no one will understand how bad it hurts. Sometimes that’s true, they don’t understand, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help or they don’t care.
Sometimes just crying and having loving arms from a sister that cares can do wonders. It brings comfort in knowing you are loved and can carry your burden for another day. Your burden may never go away but by opening up to each other, as the Lord commanded, it can make that burden easier to carry.
Please ladies, don’t hold that burden so tight and close to your heart that it kills your light for Jesus. Turn to a sister and ask for help open your heart and feel the love and support that someone can give you.
Carrying those heavy burdens plays havoc with our minds and bodies. These secrets hurt and can hurt badly. How do you know when someone is hurting and being haunted by their secrets? Most of the time we can’t tell.
See that sister over there? The one who looks so together, the one whose hair and nails are done, the one with the smile on her face and greeting everyone at services: she’s the one with a big dark secret. The one that is teaching your children Bible class, the one that takes care of others, the one that sends cards or calls everyone, she is the one with the dark secret.
What kind of secret is she holding on to? Sadness, depression, bi-polar disorder, low self esteem, abusive relationships, abortion, sexual abuse, and anything else you can think of.
She has become a master at moving forward in life and covering her pain so no one can see. It weighs heavily on her. When not in the public eye doing her fair share, she is at home alone with her thoughts. Maybe laying in bed, crying, feeling alone, overwhelmed, unloved or no energy to get the things done that need to be completed.
Our God has told us to “carry each other’s burdens” in Galatians 6:2 and I believe each and every one of us would readily do that, if we only knew.
Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
We’re afraid to open up and allow others to see the pain within. We are ashamed of bad choices we have made that created the problem or we think no one will understand how bad it hurts. Sometimes that’s true, they don’t understand, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help or they don’t care.
Sometimes just crying and having loving arms from a sister that cares can do wonders. It brings comfort in knowing you are loved and can carry your burden for another day. Your burden may never go away but by opening up to each other, as the Lord commanded, it can make that burden easier to carry.
Please ladies, don’t hold that burden so tight and close to your heart that it kills your light for Jesus. Turn to a sister and ask for help open your heart and feel the love and support that someone can give you.
This is a wonderful article, thank you for sharing your thoughts.