Wednesday, January 13, 2016


We are almost through the first month of this New Year. Have you recouped from the holidays yet? Wow, I know I am just now getting back into the swing of things and starting to think ahead toward the next 12 months.

Today I want to talk to you about how you seek things out in your life. What does “seek” really mean?

Seek – to aim at, to strive after, to crave.

Well let me tell you the first week after the holidays I had a dull aching headache every day. I couldn’t figure out what it was or what might be causing it. Finally one evening about 9 o’clock I had a craving for some cookies, Christmas cookies to be exact. I had become accustomed to just nibbling all throughout the holidays. Cookies, cakes, just a small piece of pie here and there, you know how it goes. Well all the goodies where gone and I hadn’t eaten any sweets for about a week. Then it dawned on me – I was going through sugar withdrawals all week that was where my dull aching headache was coming from. At that moment I was seeking sugar…craving it. The light bulb went off in my head; this is what seeking is all about.

A real desire for something. You want it now, you want it bad.

Contemplating my new found light bulb moment it brought me to my everyday life and the things I seek after. What do I seek after and how much time do I spend on certain aspects of my life. 

God – Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Philippians 4:13

Yes, I seek after God’s kingdom. I study my bible, I go to Bible classes, and I go to services. Is God in my life every day, yes I do a pretty good job of that but of course there is always room for improvement? So I will seek God out more often on my own with quite and study time and more prayer time.

Health – This one needs a lot of work. Not just the typical losing weight, but really being healthy. I need to be healthy for me so I can accomplish the other goals I want to work on. Making some small goals that I can do every day that will help me feel better physically and emotionally will lead me to the goal of being a better me.

Family – My family is very important to me. With the busy schedules that we all face these days I find that we have to work harder on setting times aside just to be with our loved ones. Work, school, extracurricular activities take up a lot of time and so we have to schedule around these events and make time for each other. 

Hobbies – Everyone should have a hobby they enjoy. Something they can do, something they can turn to and turn off the world. Something enjoyable. Mine is writing and sewing. I really enjoy doing both of those activities. So this year I am setting smaller weekly/daily goals to do those things. The rewards are wonderful. Writing an article that I get feedback on, sewing a cute little dress for one of my granddaughters. These things make me happy.

God put us on this earth, each with special talents. I encourage you to seek out your talent and use it. You may have to try several different things before you find the one that really brings you pleasure. Having a talent doesn’t mean you know how to do it right away. You may have to study about it, learn it, and then develop it.

Then you know what is really wonderful? Use that talent or hobby to do God’s work. Now we’re talking real fulfillment and pleasure.

What will you start seeking this year? Share it with me in the comments below.

May God bless.

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