Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Seek Ye First

It seems like I am forever seeking after something. Sometimes it’s a new recipe, a new hair style, a new way to get healthy or a new way to be a better person. Always on the lookout for the new and improved so I can become a new and improved person. All that seeking wears me out sometimes.

Love, love, love Pinterest, all those pictures for yummy food, great hair and healthy people. How could I not become better if I did all these things? I show my hair stylist the pictures of hair I want and then it looks totally different on me. Somehow my recipes just don’t look the same as they do in those pictures, must be the lighting. Those exercises look so easy until I try them. I really thought I could get my leg to do that? Really, the girl in the picture is 20 something and I am 60 something. Somebody help me!

Yup, I’m tired just looking at all the ways I can keep up with somebody else. So maybe I ought to think about this seeking thing I’m doing.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary tells me what seek means:
  • to search for (someone or something) : to try to find (someone or something)
  • to ask for (help, advice, etc.)
  • to try to get or achieve (something)
I’ve been trying to decide what color to paint the living room walls. Now that should not be a major decision but it has become one. I have purchased seven different colors in the last three weeks. I paint a huge spot on three of the walls to see how the light shines on it at different times of the day. Each time my husband and I look at each other and say too blue. Who knew there were 20 different shades of gray? Blue grays, red grays, beige grays and black grays and everything in between. I finally just decided on the best of all of them Light French Gray. (still looks blue to me)

Normally when I become obsessive about something I try and find out what God has to say about it. So I looked up the word seek in the Bible. Wow, it is listed 309 times in the NKJV.

People did a lot of searching back in Bible days. They had to search for basic needs like water, food and shelter. We take those for granted most of the time now. If we are searching something now we just Google it.

There was another form of searching they were doing back then that we do today. Searching for the truth in God’s word. Every time I hear the word seek I remember the verse in Matthew

6:33 – But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

If I spent time searching the scriptures as much as I search Pinterest or Facebook then maybe I would have a better understanding of all things. It may not help me decide on my paint color, but I’m sure I would receive more peace about my decisions.

May God Bless

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