Thursday, February 15, 2018

Seek Ye First

Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 

Have you ever had a sales job? They say it is all a numbers game. You have to get a certain number of “no’s” before you get one “yes”. A sales job is not for the faint of heart.

I did some home party sales for a while to earn extra money while the girls were young. They were old enough to come with me and help set up the display. It was hard work but we had fun with it. I was pretty good at it too. My day job at the time was accounting and my boss told me if I could see that stuff after hours I would be able to sell for them. Not knowing exactly how much money I would get each week wasn’t for me. 

Asking for something is always hard, at least for me. Asking for help with a project, help around the house or a raise. We could go into all kinds of deep thought as to why, but it really doesn’t matter. Hard is hard.

Depending on someone else to do something makes me feel vulnerable. Then I feel beholden to them for helping, almost like I owe them.

Crazy isn’t it, because I love helping others, as most of us do. Helping others just gives you a great feeling inside. I have seen people rally around a cause or person and do amazing things.

Do you want a “yes” in your life? There is one place to turn that the answer is always a “yes”. That’s our heavenly father.

One of my favorite hymns is Seek Ye First. The first time I heard it was when I picked my girls up from camp and they were singing it in the car on the ride home. My heart swelled and I had to wipe away the tears to see the road. 

God is always there for us with His “yes”. To come to Him and time we want and He is with us always. We may not get everything we ask for and, just like a child at Christmas, but we get what He knows we need.

Too many “no’s” in your life? Ask God and hear a “yes”. 

May God Bless You

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