by Lillian Humphries
If you are a woman, you understand the phrase above. No explanation needed. Our life seems to be events – not everyday living. Sometimes I feel our lives are the perpetual hamster wheel.
We start planning for Christmas in July, and then we move right into Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then the big day. In January we start all over again for the next year. Planning, decorating and cooking, making sure that everything is picture perfect.
Do you sometimes want to yell STOP the world I want to get off? I know I do. I specifically remember this feeling as a young mother. I was a single mom and raising my two daughters, working a full time job, involved in church, the girls had dance or soccer or the activity they were involved in that season. Of course the everyday drudgery of cleaning house, laundry always was there waiting for me at 10 o’clock at night when I just wanted to sink into bed. What if you are an overachiever, well there is another level to your work because you have to do more than the rest of your peers to get the accolades of how wonderful everything is. Most of which are self-inflicted “have too”.
I used to do crazy stuff, make lasagna for the office, bake homemade bread (no not a bread machine), cookies, and muffins and on and
on. Why? Well there isn’t anything wrong with any of these things, and I really enjoyed doing them for other people, that is just who I am.
I feel like we have all gone into party mode. Party mode is fun for most of us. We like having parties, giving parties and going to parties. But real life is not a party. Learning to live everyday life, doing your chores and being proud of a job well done and satisfied is gone away. It saddens me.
Young mothers today, I feel for you. You now have the internet with Facebook and Pinterest that you get to compare yourselves to each other. Oh she did this and that with her children; I should do more with mine. This mindset will wear you out and make you unhappy. Look to your children and families and everyday things to help make your life happy and substantial.
I enjoy Pinterest and Facebook and receive great pleasure in giving parties and going to parties. Now that I am getting older my body makes me stop when I am doing too much. I wake up with a list of things to do for the day but can only get through two thirds of it. Then the body says stop. Getting older has its privileges. One of them is saying I just can’t do that right now.
But – sometimes even we older overachievers don’t know when to stop and say no. Easter is around the corner and my hamster wheel is waiting for me, I must go now. I need to decorate my fire place like a picture I saw on Pinterest and make the special cookies, rice crispy treats and flower decorations.
Be happy my friends and may God bless.
This is a blog about Christian women, for women of all ages that are interested in Christianity, life, love, home, writing, and anything that is on our minds.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Spring Time - Again
by Lillian Humphries
Here we are again, Spring time is here. Well not on the calendar, but it is in my neck of the woods. The sun is shining, birds are chirping and my bees are buzzing about. Spring time is such a time of renewal and rebirth. It is a beautiful time of the year. Flowers just make you happy don’t they, kind of put a smile on your face to watch them bloom. I enjoy watching those videos that are time lapsed and
show flowers opening up. They are so remarkable to watch and you certainly see God’s beauty in action. 
Spring is a time for the ever popular “spring cleaning”, refreshing everything around us after the dark of winter, renewing ourselves. God calls us to be renewed also. Watching God’s handy work is always soothing to my soul. To be able to sit on my deck on a nice spring afternoon listening to the birds and watching my little world change around me is a blessing. I thank God always for this time in my life that He has given me.
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Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
This verse in Romans calls us to do that. As Christians we are to stand out among the crowd. We live in this world but should not be of the world.
I am sure you have seen a flower bed that is full of beautiful flowers. Imagine them to be all white daisies. Then you notice a single bloom that is different, maybe a black eyed susan. Its bright yellow with the dark center stands out among the crowed of daisies.
As spring approaches us what kind of beauty will be blooming in your garden? Will you take this opportunity to stand out in your crowd and be the shinning glory for God? I like to think of myself as a sunflower, tall, strong and always turning my head to the Son, Jesus.
Share with me what kind of flower you will be and why you like that flower.
May God Bless,
Lillian Humphries
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Find the map, find the map.
by Lillian Humphries
Every time I hear that phrase now I think of Dora the Explorer. If you have children or grandchildren you know what I am talking about. I love that little show. You know everything is going to be OK and Dora is going to get to her destination with help from the map and her friends. Too bad real life is not that way.
Real life doesn’t come with a road map and if it did I probably wouldn’t be able to read it. I always found reading maps a little difficult. I have trouble finding North and South, then you throw in East and West and I am lost. For some reason when I learned my North and South, North must have been in front of me, therefore everywhere I turn and face is north. Right? See my problem?

Think about this. If you were taking a trip from SC to California you wouldn’t get maps that would take you Massachusetts and New York and hope you could figure the rest out. You would look at a map of the United States and figure out which states you would go through and purchase the maps for each state you would encounter along the way. OK, I know you would just turn on your GPS now days.
God has a map for us. It is His divine spoken word – The Bible. Your Bible, the one next to your bed, on your coffee table or in the closet has a map for your life and shows you how to get to Heaven. There are a lot of places here on earth I would like to visit. God’s handy work is all around us and it is beautiful, majestic and breathtaking. More than these earthy wonders that I want to experience, I want to experience heaven. The beautiful home that He has built for us is waiting for you and me.
The road you take to get there is ready and waiting for you, but my friends you need to walk it. No one can walk it for you. It is a personal road map for each one of us. Some of us may crawl on the road, walk the road, or run the road; you get to decide how to move forward on the road.
God tells us exactly how to find that road, through His son, Jesus Christ.
So turn on your – G.P.S. – God’s Positioning Service and open your Bible – hard cover or digital and find your way.
Every time I hear that phrase now I think of Dora the Explorer. If you have children or grandchildren you know what I am talking about. I love that little show. You know everything is going to be OK and Dora is going to get to her destination with help from the map and her friends. Too bad real life is not that way.
Real life doesn’t come with a road map and if it did I probably wouldn’t be able to read it. I always found reading maps a little difficult. I have trouble finding North and South, then you throw in East and West and I am lost. For some reason when I learned my North and South, North must have been in front of me, therefore everywhere I turn and face is north. Right? See my problem?

Think about this. If you were taking a trip from SC to California you wouldn’t get maps that would take you Massachusetts and New York and hope you could figure the rest out. You would look at a map of the United States and figure out which states you would go through and purchase the maps for each state you would encounter along the way. OK, I know you would just turn on your GPS now days.
God has a map for us. It is His divine spoken word – The Bible. Your Bible, the one next to your bed, on your coffee table or in the closet has a map for your life and shows you how to get to Heaven. There are a lot of places here on earth I would like to visit. God’s handy work is all around us and it is beautiful, majestic and breathtaking. More than these earthy wonders that I want to experience, I want to experience heaven. The beautiful home that He has built for us is waiting for you and me.
The road you take to get there is ready and waiting for you, but my friends you need to walk it. No one can walk it for you. It is a personal road map for each one of us. Some of us may crawl on the road, walk the road, or run the road; you get to decide how to move forward on the road.
God tells us exactly how to find that road, through His son, Jesus Christ.
- John 5:24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
- Acts 2:38 - Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
So turn on your – G.P.S. – God’s Positioning Service and open your Bible – hard cover or digital and find your way.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
How are those goals coming?
by Lillian Humphries
Two months ago, 8.5 weeks ago, 63 days ago I made some goals. Like Dr. Phil says “how’s that working for you”? Well for me not so well. How about you?
I love goals, the organizing the thinking, the feeling of new beginnings, it all makes me feel good. Then I lose steam. If only I could keep up that momentum but after a few days it dwindles. Either I get hungry and eat something that is not on my good food list, or I am sore so I quit exercising, or my get up and go – got up and went.
So here I am two months later and not very far on the ladder of success regarding my goals. Sometimes it

No I have not lost 20 lbs. yet this year. No, I have not exercised as many times as I promised myself I would. No, I haven’t kept away from the cookies like I said I would. Who brought those Girl Scout cookies in this house anyway?
Let’s focus on the positive. I have written more as I had promised myself. My Bible has been open and read more than before. Closets are organized and unused items have been thrown out or given away. My goal of blogging once a week was only missed twice so far. I’m really happy how that goal is progressing.
So I guess I am making progress. Maybe it is only one step forward and two steps back but it least I can see that I am moving in the correct direction – forward and up.
God wants us to continue to grow; if we are not growing we have become stagnant. Picture a stagnant pond with algae lying on the top and mucky waters below. Does that image look appealing to you? Not to me. I wouldn’t want to lie down near that pond and have a picnic – mosquitoes are probably swarming all around. That pond might even have an unpleasant odor to it. Probably not pleasing to any of your senses.

That is the way I want to look, feel and act. Like a fresh bubbling pond with my words being flowers, my attitude being the fresh water for people around me to drink up and feel rejuvenated. My arms should be a place of comfort and peace where they can find rest.
Only by me drinking the word of God and filling myself with Jesus will I be able to accomplish the goals I have set for myself. But I always must remember, my goals are exactly that – my goals. God has His own set of goals for me. Unless I am open to Him and His word I won’t be able to see His goals.
Philippians 3:14
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
So, do you need to stop and rethink your goals from earlier in the year? Maybe quarterly revisit those to see how you are doing and if these are still the goals to be met or has God shown you some new ones?
Always be open.
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