Thursday, July 19, 2018

My Hearts Not In It

Sorry I didn’t post the last two weeks and there are a million reasons why: 

It wasn’t on my “To Do” list  
I couldn’t think of anything to write
I couldn’t focus
I was overwhelmed by life
And, a hundred more I can come up with. 

I think the real reason was my heart wasn’t in it. My heart really hasn’t been in life the last few weeks and I’m not sure why. I’m not depressed, not mad, not unhappy, not anything. That’s it - I’m not anything. 

Do you ever get that way? I think most of us do sometimes.

So how do we get out of that place? That’s a difficult question because I can’t really come up with an answer that is a cure all. This last (let’s call them sessions) “session” just broke last night. I ‘m embarrassed to tell you it was frustration that made me put my “big girl panties” on and get moving. Where did that frustration come from? 

It started because I was trying to discuss my feelings with my husband. I know right! Listen - I love my husband and this is not man bashing. I am always in awe of how God has made us so differently.   BUT to think he is going to understand my "whinny, pity party, woe is me" rant was foolish of me.

My husband, BLESS HIM, was trying to solve my problem and help me. He didn’t understand he needed to just add chocolate into the situation and go with it, then my rant would stop. Neither did I or I would have told him that.

Anyway it was a frustrating evening – but it made me start getting up and getting the things done that needed to be done. Stop thinking and talking about it and just get it done.

So get it done I did. My list is almost complete – for today!

May God Bless